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Business Intelligence Platform

Aspirion Intelligence

Performance transparency at your fingertips

Aspirion Intelligence BI platform delivers a consolidated view of our performance. Using its simple and intuitive dashboards, you can easily monitor key activities to spot trends, patterns, and outliers to achieve your revenue recovery goals.

Do you have a real-time view into your vendor’s performance?
Maybe what’s not getting measured isn’t getting done.

Aspirion Intelligence
Number One icon

Collection Intelligence

Identify trends, patterns, and outliers from the collection dashboard. View the total collections, average payment per claim, claim success, and liquidity rates.

Number 2 Icon

Volume Intelligence

The volume dashboard eliminates guesswork by providing the precise account volume placed, including accounts in process as well as those that have closed.

Number 3 circle

Timeliness Intelligence

Discover time to collect, days to pay, age of placement, days since worked, and average days in process from the timeliness dashboard.

Contact Us

Find out how Aspirion’s Revenue Cycle Management services will optimize reimbursement for your most challenging claims.