State Legislative Trend: Liens, FAP, and ECAs, Oh My!

A number of states are proposing or enacting legislation requiring hospitals to qualify a patient for their Financial Assistance Program before engaging in an Extraordinary Collection Actions (ECAs).

Learn about the potential impacts of these types of legislation and what you can do to protect your hospital.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the purpose and value of a hospital lien.
  • Ascertain the intent behind legislation dealing with ECAs and how they conflict with the State’s Hospital Lien statute.
  • How you can push back from having ECA legislation decimate your ability to file a hospital lien against a patient’s personal injury settlement.


Kyle Fischer

Kyle Fischer

General Counsel,

Martin Drake

Martin Drake

Senior Director, Complex Claims, Legal,

Andrew Pederson

Andrew Pederson

Director, Patient Financial Experience, Financial Counseling,